Tumor-Induced Hearing Loss

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An “acoustic neuroma,” the most common inner ear tumor, begins growing within the inner ear. “Vestibular schwannoma,” as the tumor is also known, forms when Schwann cells, which wrap themselves in layers around the auditory nerve, grow too rapidly. It is important to recognize the early symptoms of acoustic neuroma (dizziness, hearing loss, and ringing in the ears) and treat it because the tumor may grow so large that it can press on parts of the brain that control vital body functions. Most acoustic neuromas are treated with surgery. From a preventive point of view, some research shows that prolonged exposure to loud noise increases the risk of developing acoustic neuroma, which is one more reason to wear hearing protection.

Early diagnosis of an acoustic neuroma may help keep the tumor from growing large enough to cause serious consequences, such as total hearing loss or a life-threatening buildup of fluid within your skull. BETTER HEARING CENTER offers an array of affordable hearing aid options to meet every budget, cosmetic, and hearing loss need. We’re excited to assist you in making decisions about your hearing health at New Hampshire’s premier hearing care provider.
P.S. Hearing rehabilitation through the use of hearing instruments and assistive listening devices can enhance an acoustic neuroma patient’s ability to communicate with others and significantly improves a patient’s quality of life.