How To Tell If Your Hearing Aid Is Working Properly?

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Hearing aids are unique technological marvels that help us reconnect with the world around us by amplifying sound and improving our ability to hear conversations and enjoy the full range of auditory experiences. But like any device, hearing aids require some TLC to ensure optimal performance.

How can you tell if your trusty hearing aid is functioning correctly? Here are some signs to watch out for:

Signs Your Hearing Aid Needs Attention:

  • Silence or Muffled Sounds: This indicates that something might be wrong. Check the battery and ensure it is appropriately adjusted. If the sound remains muffled after a fresh battery, it’s time to visit your hearing professional.
  • Volume Fluctuations or Whistling: Sudden changes in volume or a persistent whistling sound can be a loose battery compartment, earwax buildup in the receiver, or a malfunctioning device.
  • Difficulty Hearing in Certain Situations: Are you struggling to follow conversations in noisy environments, or do you need to ask people to repeat themselves more often? You may need to adjust your hearing aid settings or indicate a decline in your hearing requiring reevaluation.
  • Physical Discomfort: If your hearing aid is causing any pain or irritation, it could be due to a poor fit or malfunction.

Do Hearing Aids Have Settings and Failure Signals?

Many hearing aids come equipped with adjustable settings that allow you to customize the listening experience based on your environment. These settings might control volume, noise reduction, or focus on specific sound frequencies.

While some hearing aids might emit a soft beep or chime when turned on or switched between programs, they typically don’t have specific “failure signals.” However, the above signs can indicate that your hearing aid needs attention.

Keeping Your Hearing Aids in Top Shape:

Do this to ensure your hearing aid is function optimally:

  • Regular Cleanings: Clean your hearing aids with a soft, dry cloth to remove earwax buildup.
  • Battery Care: Change batteries as your hearing professional recommends, and avoid storing them in extreme temperatures.
  • Scheduled Appointments: Schedule regular checkups with your hearing specialist to monitor your hearing health and ensure your hearing aids function correctly.

Introducing Better Hearing: Your Hearing Care Partner

At Better Hearing, our team of dedicated audiologists offers comprehensive hearing care services, including hearing aid evaluations, programming, cleaning, and repairs. We understand the importance of clear communication and are committed to helping you get the most out of your hearing aids.

Schedule an appointment today and let our experts ensure your hearing aids are correctly functioning so you can continue to experience the joy of clear and vibrant hearing!