Living with an Invisible Disability: The Story of Hearing Loss

Living with an Invisible Disability: The Story of Hearing Loss

Living with an invisible disability can be a challenging experience, particularly when it comes to hearing loss. Unlike physical disabilities visible, hearing loss is a hidden disability that often goes unnoticed. Those with hearing loss face unique challenges in...
How To Tell If Your Hearing Aid Is Working Properly?

How To Tell If Your Hearing Aid Is Working Properly?

Hearing aids are unique technological marvels that help us reconnect with the world around us by amplifying sound and improving our ability to hear conversations and enjoy the full range of auditory experiences. But like any device, hearing aids require some TLC to...
Does Cleaning My Ears Put Me at Risk for Hearing Loss?

Does Cleaning My Ears Put Me at Risk for Hearing Loss?

Our ears are like self-cleaning wonders! They produce earwax, a sticky substance that traps dust, dirt, and even dead skin cells. This wax naturally dries out and migrates out of the ear canal, keeping our ears healthy and functioning correctly. However, sometimes...
What Should I Expect at an Audiology Appointment?

What Should I Expect at an Audiology Appointment?

Never been to an Hearing Care Provider before? The prospect of your first appointment might seem a little daunting. However, the process is straightforward and focused on helping you achieve optimal hearing health. Here’s a guide on what to expect at your...
Am I Hard of Hearing or Am I Losing My Hearing?

Am I Hard of Hearing or Am I Losing My Hearing?

In audiology, the terms “hard of hearing” and “hearing loss” are often used interchangeably, yet they encompass distinct aspects of auditory health. It’s important to recognize the differences between these terms to comprehend your...
Are There Smartphones Compatible With My Hearing Aid?

Are There Smartphones Compatible With My Hearing Aid?

Staying connected is paramount, and technology has paved the way for improved communication for those with hearing difficulties. One such advancement is the compatibility between hearing aids and smartphones. This groundbreaking integration has brought about a...