While the best way to prevent hearing loss is to limit exposure to loud noise, researchers are beginning to find that some people may be more prone to noise-induced “sensorineural” (nerve-related) hearing loss than others. Thist ype of hearing loss involves irreparable damage to tiny “hair cells” in the inner ear, which convert sound vibrations into nerve impulses and transmit them to the brain. When researchers performed audiometric tests on individuals with a mutation in the gene responsible for an auditory protein called “pejvakin,” they found that people with damaged pejvakin were more susceptible to noise-induced hearing loss even when exposed to seemingly harmless sounds. This research suggests a possible genetic component in noise-induced early-onset sensorineural hearing loss.
Prolonged exposure to noise causes damage to the hair cells in the cochlea and can result in permanent hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss usually develops gradually and painlessly. Hearing loss can also occur as a result of an acoustic trauma, or a single exposure or very few exposures to very high levels of sound. To schedule a hearing exam, please call BETTER HEARING CENTER. New Hampshire’s premier hearing care provider.
P.S. The research described above provides further reason to protect the ears from unnecessary noise, regardless of how loud it is.