Anyone who suffers from hearing loss should bear in mind that appropriate treatment with a hearing instrument not only benefits the person wearing it, but also those with whom he or she communicates on a regular basis. In fact, the spouse, siblings, friends, relatives, colleagues, and caregivers of those suffering from hearing impairment often report just as much miscommunication with hearing-impaired individuals as the people with the hearing loss. When researchers recently reviewed more than 70 previous studies that looked into the complaints made by people with hearing loss and those closest to them, they found that complaints related to effort in communication was the most-reported problem among those in the hearing-impaired person’s family, social, and work circles.
The first step toward better hearing is recognizing that a hearing problem exists. Having a hearing test is the second step. If the signs are there—frequently misunderstanding what is being said and asking people to repeat themselves—please call us at BETTER HEARING CENTER. We have the answers to many of the questions you’ll probably have regarding your hearing impairment. From sound, knowledgeable advice to custom fittings to follow-up care from an audiologist, you can rely on us. Call us to arrange a hearing test at New Hampshire’s premier hearing care provider.
P.S. Many hearing-impaired older adults might be more amenable to wearing hearing instruments if they know how much NOT wearing one was annoying those in their communication circles.