Detecting Teen Hearing Loss

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With so many youngsters exposing themselves to loud noise that can rob them of their hearing ability, it is important to develop new tests to detect adolescent hearing loss. If hearing loss is uncovered when it is mild, youngsters can be alerted to ways of modifying their behaviors that help to preserve their remaining hearing. With this in mind, researchers are currently suggesting that youngsters have their hearing checked in higher frequencies than are likely to be tested for at school or other non-professional settings. Normally, teens are able to hear in very high-frequency ranges that escape their elders’ notice. It is important that teens’ hearing be tested in accordance with their extended hearing capability.

Loss of hearing is gradual, and usually begins with the high frequencies. If your hearing loss becomes serious enough, you may risk impairing your ability to speak clearly. While listening to something too loudly and for extended periods of time is bad for your health, headphones better isolate the background noise, thus enabling you to listen at a lower volume. To schedule a hearing assessment, please call BETTER HEARING CENTER. We are New Hampshire’s premier hearing care provider.

P.S. Some teens have used their higher-frequency hearing ability to their advantage by downloading ring tones on their cell phones that their teachers cannot hear.