Not only does noise in the workplace have the potential to damage workers’ hearing, but there is evidence that workplace noise may also raise blood pressure and cholesterol levels among workers exposed to elevated noise levels. This is an important finding because hypertension and high cholesterol are listed as top risk factors for heart disease. With this in mind, workers in mining, construction, and manufacturing should be particularly diligent about having their hearing checked. Beyond that, workers found to exhibit signs of hearing loss should not only take preventive measures to reduce their exposure and treat their hearing loss, but they might also want to schedule an appointment with their physicians to assess their heart health.
Safeguarding your hearing is vital no matter what your occupation or recreational pursuits. Protect your hearing from hazards of all kinds—carry soft foam ear plugs with you for when you find yourself in a situation in which the noise level is unpleasant, even hazardous to your health. And turn to the skilled experience of a clinical audiologist at BETTER HEARING CENTER for a thorough hearing examination and complete hearing healthcare services. We offer comprehensive, individualized evaluations, treatment, and management of hearing disorders.
P.S. Long-term exposure to noise levels at 80-85 decibels or over can cause hearing loss. Heavy city traffic is 85 dB.