All About the Attitude

All About the Attitude

While some people work to conceal their hearing instruments from public view, many of those wearing behind-the-ear Bluetooth headsets often prefer to show off their devices; yet, these devices are more alike than they are different. Each is a high-tech, hands-free...
Not Just Mailing It In

Not Just Mailing It In

If you’ve ever thought about purchasing a hearing instrument through the mail or online, consider this: Today’s selection procedures utilize computers, which factor in hearing test results, loud sound tolerance, and multiple listening environments. The computer then...
The Ultimate Benefit of Hearing Better

The Ultimate Benefit of Hearing Better

For people over age 70  who have “clinically meaningful hearing loss,”  proper fitting with a hearing instrument can not only improve their ability to hear the television and radio, but it can also significantly improve their social interaction with family and...
A Heart-Healthy Diet Helps Hearing

A Heart-Healthy Diet Helps Hearing

In recent years, health professionals have advocated that we do all we can to eat foods that promote the health of the cardiovascular system. Now, it seems we all have even more reason to embrace heart-healthy diets. According to a recent analysis of 81,000 women in...
Warding off Dementia

Warding off Dementia

Surveys indicate that seniors are more afraid of developing dementia, which includes Alzheimer’s disease, than they are fearful of getting cancer, heart disease, or a stroke. This fear of dementia is predicated on worries about losing independence and becoming a...
Selecting the Most Suitable Instrument

Selecting the Most Suitable Instrument

When it comes to the selection of a hearing instrument, it is generally true that bigger is more powerful. While individuals with mild-to-moderate hearing loss will most likely find that in-the-canal instruments can adequately meet their needs, those with...