One of the things about aging that seniors fear most is cognitive decline that robs them of their memory and reasoning power. Fortunately, it is possible to help stave off dementia by keeping physically and intellectually active. In addition, while previous research has linked hearing loss with cognitive problems, a more recent study shows that hearing instruments protect against cognitive decline. According to a study involving 100 individuals between the ages of 80 and 99, despite having varying degrees of hearing loss, those wearing hearing instruments scored better on cognitive-function tests than those not wearing hearing instruments. Because hearing loss is nearly universal among the over-80 set, their use of hearing instruments is highly recommended.
Even though we hear with our ears, the ability to understand what people are saying occurs in the hearing center of the brain. So when an uncorrected hearing loss causes diminished communication, it’s time to rediscover the benefits of healthy hearing and the wondrous hearing instruments available today. Begin with a hearing test at BETTER HEARING CENTER and a consultation with a certified clinical audiologist. We are the only hearing center that has served the Concord, New Hampshire, area for more than 55 years. We are New Hampshire’s premier hearing care provider.
P.S. The use of hearing instruments by hearing-impaired seniors helps them overcome their sense of isolation and promotes socializing that keeps them connected to others.