Better Hearing Blog

Am I At a Higher Risk of Falls and Injury With Hearing Loss?
If you have experienced hearing loss then you may be at higher risk of suffering accidental injuries. A study in which more than 272,000 adults in the US were surveyed between 2007 and 2015 showed that people with hearing problems were 60 percent more likely to suffer accidental injuries. The study further showed that those with moderate hearing difficulties were 70 percent more prone to accident injuries.
Why Are You At Higher Risk of Falling With Hearing Loss and Not Loss of Sight
Many people think that loss of sight puts you at higher risk of accidental injuries. However, the truth is that you are more prone to falls when you have suffered hearing loss. Here’s why:
1. Hearing uses a lot of your brain reserves
Unlike when you see an object, you have to concentrate more to interpret a sound. According to Johns Hopkins School of Medicine otologist, Frank Lin, MD, PhD, this requires more mental resources. With impaired hearing, you may have fewer mental resources available to help you with your balance.
2. Hearing makes you more aware of your environment
Because of the sounds around you, you are better able to notice other activities going on around you. This gives you a better sense of where you are. Your balance is the result of the coordination of your sense of hearing and sight as well as the coordination of your muscles.
3. Hearing loss results in a decrease in spatial awareness
Hearing loss is linked to the decline of the receptors in the inner ear and plays a major role in your sense of grounding. The vestibular sense is not only activated by sound but also by gravity. It, therefore, helps to give you a sense of where in terms of space. Those with hearing loss resulting from vestibular issues experience dizziness and other balance issues.
If you are suffering from hearing loss, it is important to be careful when moving. Engage in balance exercises, walking as well as strength exercises to improve your balance.

Exercise and Hearing?
A recent study by John Hopkins University revealed that there is a relationship between hearing loss and exercise. According to the study, regular exercise can prevent hearing loss. The study revealed that seniors that were active for around 3 hours a week were less likely to develop hearing loss. Seniors that didn’t exercise at all were shown to have higher rates of hearing loss. According to the study, the activity of about 25 minutes daily can significantly reduce the risk of developing hearing loss.
Can Exercise have a negative effect on hearing?
While exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of hearing loss, some exercises can do the opposite and exacerbate hearing loss. Conditions such as perilymphatic fistula and patulous Eustachian tube can be made worse as a result of strenuous activities.
It is also important to note that hearing loss can result in balance problems. This can make engaging in certain exercises unsafe. Hearing loss has also been associated with interference in walking ability as well as reduced strength.
What Exercises Should You Do to Help Protect Your Hearing?
Hearing loss can occur as a result of inflammation damaging the nerve cells, hair cells in the ear, and the capillaries in the ear. Exercise helps to protect the ears and reduce the risk of developing hearing loss by improving the oxygen supply to the cells and nerves in the ear. It also helps to improve circulation and thus the delivery of nutrients to these cells.
You don’t have to engage in strenuous exercises to protect your hearing. Simple exercises such as walking your dog, gardening, swimming, or even playing with your children or grandchildren will help to protect your hearing. If you’re able to, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can help to improve your overall health. It is, however, important to consult with your doctor before starting any exercise regimen.

How Do Movies in Today’s Day and Age Affect Hearing?
You waited for the movie premier and it’s finally here. But have you thought about how the loud volume levels at the movie theater will affect your hearing? According to a study by researchers at the University of Hawaii, some movie theaters displayed films with peak volumes of about 130 decibels. While sound levels were not as high throughout the movies, scenes depicting explosions, gun fights, and car chases had high sound levels peaking at 130 decibels. To put this in perspective, this sound level is equivalent to that which you would experience a jet is taking off and you are standing 100 meters away from the jet.
The results of this study show that it is possible to suffer hearing loss from watching a single movie at a movie theater. In fact, if you leave the theater with a ringing in your ears, it could be early signs of hearing loss.
Not Just the High Sound Levels
Health experts advise avoiding sound levels of over 80db. A normal conversation is about 60 to 70 decibels. Most movie theaters have sound levels ranging between 74 and 104 decibels. Many people will play their home theaters at around 85 decibels. While these sound levels seem safer than 130 decibels, it is not just the sound levels that contribute to hearing loss but also the length of your exposure to the sounds.
According to health experts, exposure to sound levels of about 85 decibels for eight hours or less is safe. However, you can begin to experience hearing loss for exposure to sound levels of 88 decibels for more than four hours. Hearing loss may be experienced due to exposure to noise levels of 91 decibels for more than two hours. If your movie achieves sound levels of 100 decibels, you may experience damage to your hearing after only 15 minutes of exposure.
As a rule of thumb, if you can’t have a normal conversation with the person seated next to you, the volume is probably too high.

Who is at Risk of Tinnitus?
Do you hear ringing in one or both of your ears? Tinnitus is a condition where the person experiences the sensation of a sound in their ears without there being an external source for the sound. Ringing is one of the most common symptoms of this condition. It was estimated in a recent study that this condition affects about 10 percent of the adult population in the country. This is about 21 million adults.
Are there people at higher risk of developing tinnitus?
There are many causes of tinnitus. There are also people who are at higher risk of developing the condition. Some of the most causes of tinnitus include:
- Age-related hearing loss – you may perceive noises that aren’t there as a result of the deterioration of the structures within the inner ear
- Medical conditions such as head injuries and ear infections can result in temporary tinnitus
- Exposure to high noise levels such as the firing of guns, a jet taking off, or a car crash can result in tinnitus in people of all ages.
- Some medications can result in tinnitus as a side effect.
- Lifestyle habits such as smoking or high intake of salt can increase your risk of developing tinnitus.
- Genetics – studies have revealed that some forms of tinnitus are hereditary.
How to Prevent Tinnitus
Tinnitus is preventable. There are several ways that you can protect your hearing. These include:
- Wearing earplugs when you’re in an environment with loud sounds such as at a construction site or at a loud event.
- Practicing safe listening for example keeping the volume of music at a reasonable level.
- Avoiding ear infections and getting timely treatment when an ear infection does occur.
- Visiting your audiologist if you have started to experience symptoms of tinnitus.
Prevention is key if you want to protect your hearing.

Minimizing Noise
We experience sounds in our environment every day. Many of the sounds we encounter on a day-to-day basis are at safe levels. They do not have an impact on our hearing. However, there are sound levels that can have a negative impact on our hearing.
How Does Noise Affect Hearing Loss?
Being exposed to sounds that are too loud or being exposed to sounds that are too loud for too long can result in damage to the sensitive structures within the inner ear. This in turn can result in what is known as noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).
NIHL can be immediate. It can also occur over time and take a long time to be noticed. It can also be permanent or temporary and affect one ear or both ears. According to a CDC study, hearing loss affects about 10 million adults in the US under the age of 70. The study also revealed that 24 percent of American adults exhibit signs that suggest a hearing loss in one or both ears as a result of exposure to loud noise.
There are three factors that affect how a sound affects you and if it will cause damage to your hearing.
- The decibel level – this is how loud the sound is. In general, sounds that are too loud can cause hearing loss.
- Distance – this is how close the source of the sound is to you. A loud sound may not cause hearing loss if the source is too far away.
- Time – this is the length of exposure to the sound. A loud sound can cause damage even after a short length of exposure while a sound with a lower decibel level may cause damage after prolonged exposure.
Noise levels of 140 decibels and above can cause permanent hearing loss. These include gunshots and jet engines within 3 feet and for a few seconds.
Can Minimizing Certain Sounds and Noise Levels Protect Your Hearing?
According to the CDC NIHL is completely preventable. The first step is understanding what type of noises can cause damage to your hearing. You can then take steps to protect your hearing.
Some of the steps you can take to protect your hearing include lowering the volume of noise sources, moving away from sources of noise as well as wearing hearing protection. Some examples of hearing protection you can wear include earmuffs and earplugs.

How Quickly Does Hearing Loss Progress
Hearing loss is one of the most common hearing problems affecting older adults in the US. In one population-based study in Beaver Dam, 21% of adults aged 48-59 had hearing loss, while 90% of those 80 years or older had hearing loss.
This shows that hearing loss progresses with age, as well as with other factors. This is caused by a gradual decrease in hearing sensitivity, which starts in our 20s but becomes noticeable in the late 50s and 60s.
Why Does Hearing Deteriorate With Age?
Natural deterioration in your hearing ability is mainly caused by degeneration within the inner ear, and in the neural pathways that connect to the brain.
The inner ear contains tiny hair-like projections (stereocilia) that convert sound into an electrical signal for the brain to interpret. These structures can be damaged for any number of reasons, resulting in reduced sensitivity to sounds.
In the brain, the neural pathways between the ear and the brain can also degenerate, sending weaker electrical signals to the brain and resulting in reduced hearing.
Factors That Help Speed Up or Slow Down Hearing Loss
While hearing function declines naturally with age, there are many factors that speed it up including:
- Smoking
- Diabetes
- Exposure to loud sounds such as music, firearms, lawnmowers, and aircraft
- Heart disease
- Some medications that damage cells in the ear
- Genetics can also make you more vulnerable to hearing loss
Hearing loss can also be quick and sudden, such as when explosive sounds rupture the eardrum. You can also suffer head trauma, severe infections and disease, neural conditions (such as multiple sclerosis), and autoimmune diseases.
What You Can Do to Slow Down Hearing Loss Now
It is not yet possible to prevent age-related hearing loss. However, you can slow it down by avoiding these risk factors and protecting your ears.
Loud occupational and recreational sounds are one of the biggest causes of accelerated hearing loss. Always wear earplugs when attending loud events or working with loud machineries, such as agricultural work, going to the speedway, or mowing your lawn.
By reducing exposure to loud sounds and wearing ear protection, you can keep your ears safe for longer. Other ways to protect your hearing include:
- Quit smoking
- Manage your blood sugar and blood pressure
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Seek treatment for any health concerns
- Get your ears cleaned professionally to get rid of wax buildup
In addition, consider regular hearing tests to help catch hearing loss early and start treatment.
Do Hearing Aids Prevent Hearing Loss?
No, hearing aids don’t prevent hearing loss. However, they do help your brain adjust to your hearing deterioration and maintain your hearing ability.
Most importantly, hearing aids keep your neural pathways strong and functional. This is why experts recommend wearing your aids all day, every day, to keep your hearing functions strong and reduce hearing fatigue.
Hearing aids keep up with the progress of hearing loss, but you may need a new set approximately every 5 years, possibly sooner if your deterioration is faster.